Thursday, 3 May 2007


Originally uploaded by evesflickr.

medical print2

medical print2
Originally uploaded by evesflickr.


Originally uploaded by evesflickr.

"Found" Objects as Art

"This exhibition features the work of three ‘photo’ magazines that use found and discarded photographs
and ephemera as their starting point. Drawing from the
archives of Found Magazine (USA), Useful Photography (Netherlands) and Ohio (Germany), the installation includes highly-personal Polaroids, fading studio portraits, blurry snaps, internet images, amateur
collages, homemade greetings cards and pages torn from other magazines".

In my view this work suggests that there is a voracious appetite for the details of other peoples lives and memories. Many of the images of 'found people' by the nature of being discarded and lost expose our vulnerability and are highly evocative.

The search for material took each magazine’s editors to
unusual places that ranged from eccentric personal
collections to sidewalk junk stalls. This quest reflects a
growing fascination, on the part of both artists and the
general public, with what could be termed ‘other
people’s photos’.

Visitors are invited to read, handle and enjoy original
material from Found Magazine’s archive, and immerse
themselves in Ohio’s collection of photographs and video clips from some of Germany’s voluntary organisations. And within Useful Photography’s display of large-scale prints there will be an opportunity to reassess the value of a variety of images from catalogues, the Internet and other sources.

Fax your images. People have been making and distributing their own cheap magazines for many years. Members of the public are, in the spirit of low-budget publishing, invited to fax the gallery machine and contribute to magazines containing images that are found, received and printed out through old-fashioned technology. They will then be displayed for the duration of the exhibition.

On 17 June, faxed contributions will be taken down and edited to make a special issue of ‘Emblem’ magazine (published by Manchester Metropolitan University). Visitors can also contribute to forthcoming issues of either ‘Fash n Riot’ and ‘Implicasphere’ magazine. Pick up a Talks & Events leaflet for more details.

To send images through fax: +44 (0)20 7836 9704

This exhibition underlines The Photographers’ Gallery’s
commitment to, and involvement with, photography on
the printed page in the age of the digital image.

Found, Shared: The Magazine Photowork is curated by
David Brittain, Research Associate, MIRIAD at
Manchester Metropolitan University, supported by
MIRIAD and the AHRC and Visual Studies Workshop

The catalogue Found, Shared: The Magazine
is available from the Gallery Bookshop.
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arm, heart and hypos

arm, heart and hypos
initial print














the above images are for print and dig from web2print project

About Me

I am currently studying fine art degree at Wimbledon school of art